Over the past ten years, there has been a significant amount of development activity in Collier Township. The residents, businesses, organizations and leadership of Collier Township are in a special position to address the Township’s many opportunities, as well as issues, through an update of the community’s comprehensive plan.
The concept of comprehensive planning is related to economic prosperity. A comprehensive plan can be used as a tool to plan for the growth of a community. Most importantly, it can be used as tool to manage the constant change and evolution of a community.
Land Use
Comprehensive plans are sometimes called land-use plans because they deal with issues related to the appropriate use of land. They are prepared:
- To address compatibility issues between various uses of land
- To manage and conserve natural resources
- To identify and preserve historically important features of a community
- To plan for infrastructure needs, public services, recreation and housing
Comprehensive Plan Purpose
The comprehensive plan is a document that identifies the goals and strategies for growth and conservation for a community. Pennsylvania laws guide the basic content for comprehensive plans so that growth is encouraged in a coordinated manner. The process of producing this document should be a comprehensive examination and community dialogue about all the issue of future growth of a community. The final product is the document which is used as a guide for decision making about the community’s future.
The comprehensive planning process is being coordinated by your neighbors who serve on the Collier Township Planning Commission with assistance from Township staff and the consulting firm Environmental Planning and Design, LLC.